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Titel Long-term trends of foF2 independent of geomagnetic activity
VerfasserIn A. D. Danilov
Medientyp Artikel
Sprache Englisch
ISSN 0992-7689
Digitales Dokument URL
Erschienen In: Annales Geophysicae ; 21, no. 5 ; Nr. 21, no. 5, S.1167-1176
Datensatznummer 250014627
Publikation (Nr.) Volltext-Dokument
A detailed analysis of the foF2 data at a series of ionospheric stations is performed to reveal long-term trends independent of the long-term changes in geomagnetic activity during the recent decades (nongeomagnetic trends). The method developed by the author and published earlier is used. It is found that the results for 21 out of 23 stations considered agree well and give a relative nongeomagnetic trend of -0.0012 per year (or an absolute nongeomagnetic trend of about -0.012 MHz per year) for the period between 1958 and the mid-nineties. The trends derived show no dependence on geomagnetic latitude or local time, a fact confirming their independence of geomagnetic activity. The consideration of the earlier period (1948–1985) for a few stations for which the corresponding data are available provides significantly lower foF2 trends, the difference between the later and earlier periods being a factor of 1.6. This is a strong argument in favor of an anthropogenic nature of the trends derived.

Key words. Ionosphere (ionosphere-atmosphere interactions; ionospheric disturbances; mid-latitude ionosphere)
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