Titel |
A consistent set of trans-basin floods in Germany between 1952-2002 |
VerfasserIn |
S. Uhlemann, A. H. Thieken, B. Merz |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 14, no. 7 ; Nr. 14, no. 7 (2010-07-15), S.1277-1295 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/hess-14-1277-2010.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Floods that affect many sites simultaneously can pose great challenges in
the co-ordination of flood disaster management actions, as well as for the
insurance and re-insurance industry, since this type of flooding leads to an
accumulation of losses and the risk assessment needs to be extended to a
concept representing the spatial risk of flooding. The assessment of the
accumulated risk, especially over large domains, requires an analysis of the
spatial and temporal coherence of flooding. For Germany the extent of
spatial dependence of flooding is largely unknown and no systematic analysis
has been performed so far. In this paper, we present a methodology that is
capable of capturing the simultaneous occurrence of flooding using multiple
series of mean daily discharge. For the first time we present a complete and
consistent set of trans-basin floods in Germany for the period between 1952
and 2002. Each flood is characterised by a specific value for the timing,
the location and the magnitude of discharges within the entire river
network. We propose a measure for quantifying the overall event severity
considering both the heterogeneous spatial extent as well as the locally
varying magnitudes of a trans-basin flood. In total, we identify 80
trans-basin floods in the entire time period. The set is dominated by events
that were recorded in the hydrological winter (64%); 36% occurred
during the summer months. 32 events affected more than one third of the
entire river network. These most severe events are predominantly winter
events. Dividing the study period into two sub-periods, we find an increase
in the percentage of winter events from 58% in the first to 70.5% in
the second sub-period. Accordingly, we find a significant increase in the
number of extreme trans-basin floods in the second sub-period. A natural
extension of this study is the quantification of the spatial and temporal
dependencies in a multivariate framework. This framework needs to be
supported by a flood typology based on the analysis of the physical
processes relevant in the genesis of trans-basin floods. |
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