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Titel |
A simple modeling approach to study the regional impact of a Mediterranean forest isoprene emission on anthropogenic plumes |
VerfasserIn |
J. Cortinovis, F. Solmon, D. Serça, C. Sarrat, R. Rosset |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ; 5, no. 7 ; Nr. 5, no. 7 (2005-07-28), S.1915-1929 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/acp-5-1915-2005.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
Research during the past decades has outlined the importance of biogenic
isoprene emission in tropospheric chemistry and regional ozone photo-oxidant
pollution. The first part of this article focuses on the development and
validation of a simple biogenic emission scheme designed for regional
studies. Experimental data sets relative to Boreal, Tropical, Temperate and
Mediterranean ecosystems are used to estimate the robustness of the scheme
at the canopy scale, and over contrasted climatic and ecological conditions.
A good agreement is generally found when comparing field measurements and
simulated emission fluxes, encouraging us to consider the model suitable for
regional application. Limitations of the scheme are nevertheless outlined as
well as further on-going improvements. In the second part of the article,
the emission scheme is used on line in the broader context of a meso-scale
atmospheric chemistry model. Dynamically idealized simulations are carried
out to study the chemical interactions of pollutant plumes with realistic
isoprene emissions coming from a Mediterranean oak forest. Two types of
anthropogenic sources, respectively representative of the Marseille (urban)
and Martigues (industrial) French Mediterranean sites, and both
characterized by different VOC/NOx are considered. For the Marseille
scenario, the impact of biogenic emission on ozone production is larger when
the forest is situated in a sub-urban configuration (i.e. downwind distance
TOWN-FOREST <30km, considering an advection velocity of 4.2 m.s-1).
In this case the enhancement of ozone production due to isoprene can reach
+37% in term of maximum surface concentrations and +11% in term of
total ozone production. The impact of biogenic emission decreases quite
rapidly when the TOWN-FOREST distance increases. For the Martigues scenario,
the biogenic impact on the plume is significant up to TOWN-FOREST distance
of 90km where the ozone maximum surface concentration enhancement can still
reach +30%. For both cases, the importance of the VOC/NOx ratio in
the anthropogenic plume and its evolution when interacting with the forest
emission are outlined. In complement to real case studies, this idealized
approach can be particularly useful for process and sensitivity studies and
constitutes a valuable tool to build regional ozone control strategies. |
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