Titel |
Atmospheric CO2 monitoring with single-cell NDIR-based analyzers |
VerfasserIn |
B. B. Stephens, N. L. Miles, S. J. Richardson, A. S. Watt, K. J. Davis |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques ; 4, no. 12 ; Nr. 4, no. 12 (2011-12-14), S.2737-2748 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/amt-4-2737-2011.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
We describe CO2 concentration measurement systems based on relatively
inexpensive single-cell non-dispersive infrared CO2 sensors. The
systems utilize signal averaging to obtain precision (1-σ in 100 s)
of 0.1 parts per million dry air mole fraction (ppm), frequent
calibrations and sample drying in order to achieve state-of-the-art
compatibility, and can run autonomously for months at a time. Laboratory
tests indicate compatibility among four to six systems to be ±0.1 ppm
(1-σ), and field measurements of known reference-gases yield median
errors of 0.01 to 0.17 ppm with 1-σ variance of ±0.1 to 0.2
ppm. From May to August 2007, a system co-located with a NOAA-ESRL
dual-cell NDIR system at the WLEF tall tower in Wisconsin measured
daytime-only daily averages of CO2 that differ by 0.26 ± 0.15 ppm
(median ± 1 σ), and from August 2005 to April 2011 a system
co-located with weekly NOAA-ESRL network flask collection at Niwot Ridge,
Colorado measured coincident CO2 concentrations that differed by −0.06 ± 0.30 ppm
(n = 585). Data from these systems are now supporting a wide
range of analyses and this approach may be applicable in future studies
where accuracy and initial cost of the sensors are priorities. |
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