Titel |
Land surface modelling in hydrology and meteorology – lessons learned from the Baltic Basin |
VerfasserIn |
L. P. Graham, S. Bergström |
Medientyp |
Sprache |
Digitales Dokument |
Erschienen |
In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ; 4, no. 1 ; Nr. 4, no. 1, S.13-22 |
Datensatznummer |
Publikation (Nr.) |
copernicus.org/hess-4-13-2000.pdf |
Zusammenfassung |
By both tradition and
purpose, the land parameterization schemes of hydrological and meteorological
models differ greatly. Meteorologists are concerned primarily with solving the
energy balance, whereas hydrologists are most interested in the water balance.
Meteorological climate models typically have multi-layered soil parameterisation
that solves temperature fluxes numerically with diffusive equations. The same
approach is carried over to a similar treatment of water transport. Hydrological
models are not usually so interested in soil temperatures, but must provide a
reasonable representation of soil moisture to get runoff right. To treat the
heterogeneity of the soil, many hydrological models use only one layer with a
statistical representation of soil variability. Such a hydrological model can be
used on large scales while taking subgrid variability into account. Hydrological
models also include lateral transport of water – an imperative if' river
discharge is to be estimated. The concept of a complexity chain for coupled
modelling systems is introduced, together with considerations for mixing model
components. Under BALTEX (Baltic Sea Experiment) and SWECLIM (Swedish Regional
Climate Modelling Programme), a large-scale hydrological model of runoff in the
Baltic Basin is used to review atmospheric climate model simulations. This
incorporates both the runoff record and hydrological modelling experience into
atmospheric model development. Results from two models are shown. A conclusion
is that the key to improved models may be less complexity. Perhaps the
meteorological models should keep their multi-layered approach for modelling
soil temperature, but add a simpler, yet physically consistent, hydrological
approach for modelling snow processes and water transport in the soil.
Keywords: land surface modelling; hydrological modelling;
atmospheric climate models; subgrid variability; Baltic Basin |
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