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V. International Symposium "Cephalopods - Present and Past" Vienna 6th - 9th September 1999: Abstracts Volume
Kathleen Histon
International Symposium "Cephalopods - Present and Past" (5. : 1999 : Vienna)
Geologische Bundesanstalt
134 S.
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
; Nr. 46 (1999-07)
Publikation (Nr.)
Geograf. Schlagwort
Wien (Kongreß)
Neulinggasse_Lesesaal H.B.984
Alte Bücher (älter als 1918), Archivstücke und Karten werden nicht außer Haus entlehnt.
Teil von
Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt
Hemihoplitid Ammonoids from the Austral Basin of Patagonia, Argentina | Maria Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta
Types of lobe line development of the Middle Triassic Ammonoidea of the Boreal Area | V. V. Arkadiev
Statolith shape as an indicator of the life style in recent and extinct decapod cephalopods | Alexander Arkhipkin
The taxonomic position and biostratigraphic value of the genus Pseudocrioceratites Egoian, 1969 (Lytoceratina) in Romania | Emil Avram
The classic Anisian (Middle Triassic) Ammonoid localities of the Southern Alps, and their significance for the definition of the Anisian subdivisions | Marco Balini
Evaluation of constructional differences in Jurassic ammonite shells and Nautilus | Klaus Bandel
The Middle Jurassic ammonite Kheraiceras Spath from the Indian subcontinent | Subhendu Bardhan
Phylogeny and systematics of the Wocklumeriina (Ammonoidea, Clymeniida, Middle to Late Famennian) | Ralph Thomas Becker
Arterial hemolymph supply in the branchial hearts of the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis L. (Cephalopoda, Dibranchiata) | Knut Beuerlein
Variability and taxonomy of Maeneceras (Goniatitida, Sporadoceratidae) from the early Famennian of Southern Morocco | Jürgen Bockwinkel
The origin and evolution of the Family Deshayestidae Stoyanow, 1949 | Tamara N. Bogdanova
Dwarf cephalopods: Conditions of reproduction at small size | Sigurd v. Boletzky
Yolk sac morphologies in cephalopod embryos | Sigurd v. Boletzky
Parallel biozonation in the Upper Callovian and the Lower Oxfordian based on the Peltoceratinae Sub-family (Ammonitina, Aspidoceratidae) | Alain Bonnot
Cephalopod accumulations linked to condensation episodes in the Jurassic of the Subetic (Southern Spain) and in the Silurian of the Carnic Alps (Austria) | Antonio G. Checa
Regulation of coiling in planispiral ammonites, inferred from cases of infestation in vivo by epizoans | Antonio G. Checa
Paleobiogeography and migration in the late Cretaceous belemnite Family Belemnitellidae | Walter Kegel Christensen
Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Boreal Anisian family Czekanowskitidae | Algirdas Dagys
Scavenging or predation: Mississippian goniatite accumulations in carbonate concretion around Rayonnoceras (Actinocerida) body chambers from Arkansas | R. B. Dalton
Pits in internal molds of cephalopods | Richard A. Davis
Early shell ontogeny in bactritoids and allied taxa: Comparative morphology, shell wall ultrastructure, and phylogenetic implication | Larisa A. Doguzhaeva
Rostrum and phragmocone structures in the lower Carbinoferous coleoid Hematites and its taxonomic assignment | Larisa A. Doguzhaeva
Structure of the pro-ostracum and muscular mantle in Belemnites | Larisa A. Doguzhaeva
Morphometric analysis of Paratornoceratids (Goniatitida) from the early Famennian of southern Morocco | Volker Ebbighausen
Phylogeny of the "Post-Triassic" Nautiloids | Theo Engeser
The data retrieval system Nautiloidea (DRSN) | Theo Engeser
Taphonomy of Ammonite condensed associations: Jurassic examples from carbonate platforms of Iberia | Sixto Fernandez-Lopez
Trimarginia and Trimarginites (Ammonoidea) from the Iberian Basin | Sixto Fernandez-Lopez
Organism in body chambers of fossil cephalopods | Rene H. B. Fraaye
Passendorfer's middle jurassic ammonites from the high Tatras | Andras Galacz
Ammonoidea of the Mangyshlak Lower Triassic | Vera A. Gavrilova
The terminal region of the male genital tract in cephalopod systematics: A revised terminology, and an illustration of intrageneric variation within one genus of Octopus | Ian G. Gleadall
Biology and biogeography of the middle Oxfordian ammonites of the subgenus Platysphinctes: A new evidence from Poland | Ewa Glowniak
Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) gametogeneses: A historical approach to the verification of the macroscopic maturity scales | Ines Goncalves
The evolution of the Octopoda | Winfried Haas
Organization and reorganozation of the main nerve cord in untreated and regenerating tentacles of the cephalopod Sepia officinalis L. | Brigitte Hielscher
Paleobiogeography and relationship of South American Hettangian (Lower Jurassic) ammonites | Axel v. Hillebrandt
Telescoping in orthoconic nautiloids: An indication of high or low energy hydrodynamic regime? | Kathleen Histon
Sexual dimorphism in the genus Pseudothurmannia | Philip J. Hoedemaeker
One of the many problems: Taxonomy of the common Silurian Nautiloid cephalopod Orthoceras bullatum C.Sowerby | Charles Hepworth Holland
The phylogeny of Pharciceratids and their relatives (Ammonoidea, Anarcestida: Late Givetian to Middle Frasnian) | Michael Robert House
What molecular tools tell us about Octopods systematics? | Cendrine Hudelot
Late Cretaceous ammonite faunas of the Maastrichtian type area | John W. M. Jagt
Biomechanics as a test of fuctional plausibility: Testing the adaptive value of terminal-countdown heteromorphy in Cretaceous ammonoids | Peter Kaplan
Muscle attachment and mantle-related features in Upper Cretaceous Baculites from the United States Western Interior | W. James Kennedy
Injuries: A key to understanding life modes of ammonoids | Helmut Keupp
Ammonoid palaeobiogeography - the Pseudoschloenbachia Paradox | Herbert C. Klinger
Size classes in a Devonian ammonoid from the Middle devonian Cherry Valley Limestone of New York State, U.S.A. | Susan M. Klofak
Devonian ammonoid biometry and global events - preliminary results | Christian Klug
Ammonoid succession in Devonian Sections of Northwest Africa | Christian Klug
From Pliny to Walch - 1700 pioneering years of ammonoid research | Dieter Korn
Phylogeny of Early and Middle Devonian ammonoids | Dieter Korn
Ammonoid faunas from the Devonian and Early Carbonifeous of the Carnic Alps | Dieter Korn
Coleoidea of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic, Europe) | Martin Kostak
Shell-loss due to predation: Effects on ammonoids buoyancy | Björn Kröger
A major Phylloceratid-Lytoceratid faunal turnover in the Lower Jurassic | Leopold Krystyn
Triassic ammonoids and the Himalayas | Leopold Krystyn
Morphology of the early whorls of goniatites from the Carboniferous Buckhorn Asphalt (Oklahoma) with aragonitic preservation | Cyprian Kulicki
The ultrastructure of the dorsal shell wall of Mesozoic ammonoids | Cyprian Kulicki
Ammonoid evolution during the critical intervals before and after the Devonian-Carboniferous Boundary and the mid-Carboniferous Boundary | Jürgen Kullmann
Palaeozoic ammonoidea in the database system Goniat | Jürgen Kullmann
A giant squid in New York City | Neil H. Landman
Microbiological and physiological studies on bacteria populations in the pericardial coelom of Nautilus pompilius L. (Cephalopoda, Tetrabranchiata) | Christine Lesch
The tropic control on the function of the Aulacoceratid and Belemnoid guard and phragmocone | Zeev Lewy
Shell-accumulation of the nautilidae Aturia (Aturia) aturi (Basterot, 1825) in the Retz-Formation (Lower Austria, Upper Eggenburgian, Lower Miocene) | Alexander Lukeneder
Two ammonite mass-occurrences of the Alpine Lower Cretaceous (Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Austria) | Alexander Lukeneder
Effects of cpmpaction in mammonite moulds and their taphonomic implications: An example from the Rosso Ammonitico of the Northern Appennines (Early-Middle Toarcian, Umbria-Marche, Italy) | Francesco Macchioni
The last Maastrichtian ammonites in Poland | Marcin Machalski
Wenlock and Ludlow cephalopods in the Prague Basin: Communities, palaeobiogeography and palaeoecology (Bohemian) | Štěpán Manda
Dimorphism in middle Carboniferous ammonoids from the southern midcontinent, United States | Walter L. Manger
Evaluation of septal crowding as an indication of sexual maturity in some Lower and Middle Carboniferous ammonoids from the North America Midcontinent, United States | Walter L. Manger
Septal implosion in coiled nautiloids from an Upper Carboniferous unit in Ohio, USA | Royal H. Mapes
Siphuncular menbranes in Upper Paleozoic Prolecanitid Ammonoids from Nevada, USA | Royal H. Mapes
Ammonite faunas from marls with pyritic ammonites (Lower Oxfordian): Original faunas at the interface distal platform and basin | Didier Marchand
Change within ammonite assemblages from Mangyshlak Mountains (Western Lazakhstan) during the Mid-Cretaceous transgression | Ryszard Marcinowski
Biological response of ammonites to changing environmental conditions: An example of Boreal Amoeboceras invasions into Submediterranean Province during Late Oxfordian | Bronislaw A. Matyja
Ammonoid assemblages in the Santonian age of Hokkaido, Japan, with special reference to covariance of shell shape and mode of occurrence of Desmoceratidae | Kazuyoshi Moriya
Mit-Cretaceous ammonites from the coastal chain of Syria | Mikhail Mouty
Nautiloid systematics based on siphuncular structure and position of muscle scars | Harry Mutvei
Diversity versus disparity: Examples from present (Coleoids) and past (Ammonites) Cephalopods | Pascal Neige
Ammonoid biostratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary near Csövar, Hungary: A progress report | József Pálfy
Early Jurassic ammonoids from the Persani Mts. (East Carpathians, Romania) | József Pálfy
Problem of sexual dimorphism in the Valanginian (Lower Cretaceous) ammonites Valanginites nucleus and Saynoceras verrucosum | Izabela Ploch
Limiting factors on shell growth and segregation of ammonite populations: Evidence from adult size variations with time and space | Stéphane Reboulet
Soft-tissue attachment structures on pyritized intenal mould of ammonoids | Ute Richter
Hypophylloceras and the classification of the Phylloceratidae | Peter U. Rodda
Intraspecific variation of ammonoid embryonic growth stages and its bearing on post embryonic growth | Isabelle Rouget
Cilated cells on the digital tentacles of Nautilus pompilius L. indicate their function as sense organs (Cephalopoda, Tetrabranchiata) | Peter Ruth
Sea level ammonite turnover and isotopic record in the early-middle Jurassic of the Betic Cordillera (Spain) | Jose Sandoval
Estimating actual fecundity of a logiginid squid | Warwick Sauer
Preservation of Cephalopods in the Upper Jurassic Nusplingen Lithographic Limestone (Late Kimmeridgian, SW Germany) | Günter Schweigert
Range and distribution of belemnites in the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Mexico: A progress report | Ekbert Seibertz
Revision of Silurian nautiloid cephalopods from the Carnic Alps from various museum collections | Paolo Serventi
Some new Silurian nautiloid cephalopods from the Italian site of the Carnic Alps | Paolo Serventi
Early ontogeny of three Callovian ammonite genera (Binatisphinctes, Kosmoceras and Hecticoceras) | Anton Martin Sprey
Impact of reproductive strategy on cepahlopod evolution | Daniel A. Stephen
Upper jaws of Placenticeratidae from the Karst Plateau (Upper Cretaceous, Slovenia) | Herbert Summesberger
Hetermorph ammonites from the Tata Limestone Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian-Albian), Hungary | Ottilia Szives
Comparative microanatomy of the siphuncular cord in Permian ammonoids and Recent Nautilus | Kazushige Tanabe
Morphological diversity of the jaws of Cretaceous Ammonoidea | Kazushige Tanabe
Predation of early Jurassic ammonites | Nico Taverne
Remarks to post-mortem behaviour of orthoconic shells | Vojtich Turek
An enigmatic cephalopod jaw element from the latest Maastrichtian of the Netherlands | Luit A. Van der Tuuk
Paleobiogeography of the early Cretaceous ((Pre-Albian) cephalopod bearing formations of the Western Carpathians (Czech and Slovak Republics) and the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria) | Zdenek Vasicek
Paleoenvironmental distribution of Middle Triassic ammonoids in the Balaton Highland (Hungary) | Attila Vörös
Triassic ammonoids and biostratigraphy of the Balaton Highland: New results from the Anisian, Ladinian and Carnian | Attila Vörös
Assessment of the phylogenetic relationship between Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 and O.mimus Gould 1852, using mitochondrial 16S rRNA | Kerstin Warnke
Wrinkle layer and dorsal muscle scars in Amauroceras ferrugineum from the Domerian of NW-Germany | Wolfgang Weitschat
Cytobiological investigations of the digestive organs of Nautilus pompilius L. (Cephalopoda, Tetrabranchiata) | Bettina Westermann
Cephalopods, Vienna: Borth of marine Paleobiogeography | Gerd E. G. Westermann
Recent hypotheses on mechanical and metabolic functions of septal fluting and sutural complexity in post-Carboniferous ammonoids | Gerd E. G. Westermann
Middle Turonian to Lower Coniacian ammonite assemblages in Northern Germany, with reference to Nostoceratids and Diplomoceratids | Frank Wiese
Upper Cretaceous nautiloids from northern Cantabria, Spain | Markus Wilmsen
Buckman's paradox: Constraints on ammonoid ornament and shell shape | Margaret M. Yacobucci
Campanian-Maastrichtian ammonites from Far Eastern Russia, stratigraphy and palaeobiogeography | Elena A. Yazykova
Biogeographical characteristics of the Ordovician cephalopods from Korea | Cheol-Soo Yun
The Upper Jurassic ammonite fauna of Ernstbrunn (NE Austria) and its interesting position between Tethian and subboreal faunas | Arnold Zeiss